SANS2D PRINT new 120rows x 512 columns gas tubes ! L1=L2=12m MASK/CLEAR MASK/CLEAR/TIME L/WAV 1.75 12.5 0.05/LOG L/Q 0.001 1.0 0.08/log L/QXY 0 0.15 .002/lin BACK/M1 35000 65000 BACK/M2 85000 98000 !check BACK/M4 DET/MERGE GRAVITY/ON ! MASKFILE=MASK_SANS2D_REAR_Edges_16Mar2015.xml,MASK_SANS2D_REAR_Bottom_3_tubes_16May2014.xml,MASK_SANS2D_FRONT_Edges_16Mar2015.xml ! mask/time 17500 22000 ! !PRINT masking off beamstop arm 13mm wide at 20 degrees PRINT not masking beam stop arm, M4 out !mask/line 13 20 ! PRINT Medium beam stop, CHECK later L/R 41 -1 3 ! use this for rear TUBECALIBFILE=TUBE_SANS2D_BOTH_27345_20Mar15.nxs MON/DIRECT=DIRECT_SANS2d_27511_12m_Rear_23Mar15.txt ! use for front, this command has to come second! MON/DIRECT/FRONT=DIRECT_SANS2d_27511_12m_Rear_23Mar15.txt MON/TRANS/SPECTRUM=1 !TRANS/TRANSPEC=4/SHIFT=-55 TRANS/TRANSPEC=3 MON/SPECTRUM=1 FIT/TRANS/LOG 1.75 12.5 !PRINT FIT/TRANS/OFF !FIT/TRANS/OFF ! ! 26/04/15 scale from 28782 gdw20 & centre from 28780 glassy C set centre 117.57 -86.73 ! set scales 0.02830 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ! correction to actual sample position, measured cryo at 320mm before shutter, ! "notional sample" is 81mm before shutter (96mm before the 6mm thick sapphire window) ! DLS set up 81 - 133 =-52 ! normal changer offset +53 ! rotating rack 100mm before shutter = 81 - 100 = -19 ! old rotating rack 131mm before shutter = 81 - 131 = -50 ! linkam 42mm before shutter = 81 - 42 = 39 ! foam cell 75mm before shutter 81-75= 6 ! p-cell 142mm before shutter = 81 - 142 = -61 ! rheometer 239mm before shutter = 81 - 239 = -158 SAMPLE/OFFSET 53 ! Correction to SANS2D encoders in mm DET/CORR REAR X +13.0 ! 27/3/15 use survey values REAR Z, at 4,6,8,12m is 113.7, 115.6, 116.2, 119.3mm DET/CORR REAR Z +119.3 ! from SANS2d_survey, expect about -26 for front at 6m, +13 for rear at 12m, note Mantid only applies XCORR difference to front det DET/CORR FRONT X -26.0 DET/CORR FRONT Y 0.0 DET/CORR FRONT Z 5.0 DET/CORR FRONT ROT 0.0 ! 11/11/14 fit to survey data gives radius to tube centres at 381.7 (instead of DT's 306) DET/CORR FRONT RADIUS 75.7 DET/CORR FRONT SIDE 0.19 ! test new tilts ~6m -9deg from RKH's SANS2d_survey spreadsheet DET/CORR FRONT YTILT 0.2257 DET/CORR FRONT XTILT -0.0964 !! 26/04/15 143AB Xpress 5m, 12m A1=20,A2=8