! L1=L2=4m, A1=20, A2=8, med b/s MASK/CLEAR MASK/CLEAR/TIME L/WAV 1.75 16.5 0.05/LOG ! adjusted to suit weak scatter L/Q 0.005,0.001,0.008,-0.08,1.0 ! strong scatter !L/Q 0.0035 1.0 0.08/log L/QXY 0 0.15 .002/lin ! note increase lower time limit here !BACK/MON/TIMES 85000 98000 BACK/M2 85000 98000 !check BACK/M4 DET/REAR GRAVITY/ON ! mask/rear h0 mask/rear h190>h191 mask/rear v0 mask/rear v191 mask/front h0 mask/front h190>h191 mask/front v0 mask/front v191 ! dead wire near top mask/front h156>h159 ! spot on top b/s when hit meniscus ??? mask h72>h75+v117>v122 ! mask/time 13000 15250 !mask/time 5000 19200 !masking off beamstop arm 12mm wide at 19 degrees PRINT not masking beam stop arm, M4 out !mask/line 13 19 ! L/R 47 -1 3 !L/SP 1 36864 !MON/LENGTH=17.937 2 ! ! use this for rear MON/DIRECT=DIRECT_11971_4m_Rear_09Mar12.dat ! use for front, this command has to come second! MON/DIRECT/FRONT=DIRECT_6958_4m_rescaled_09Mar12.dat MON/TRANS/SPECTRUM=2/INTERPOLATE TRANS/TRANSPEC=4/SHIFT=-70 !TRANS/TRANSPEC=3 ! set monitor 2 to interpolate MON/SPECTRUM=2/INTERPOLATE !PRINT fitting transmissions from 4.1 to 16.5 angstrom FIT/TRANS/LOG 1.75 16.5 !PRINT FIT/TRANS/OFF !FIT/TRANS/OFF ! ! 2/11/12 gdw 16176 set centre 267.7 -164.7 ! ! 2/11/12 gdw20 16176 8mm beam set scales 0.1782 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ! correction to actual sample position, measured cryo at 320mm before shutter, notionally 81mm before shutter ! DLS set up 81 - 132 =-34 ! normal changer offset +53 SAMPLE/OFFSET 53 ! Correction to SANS2D encoders in mm DET/CORR REAR X -16.0 ! note rear Z was 58, but needs change all masks 9/11 on to 47 DET/CORR REAR Z 47.0 ! 7/8/12 front at 2.6m is at slightly too high Q values, was X -44 DET/CORR FRONT X -24.0 DET/CORR FRONT Y -20.0 DET/CORR FRONT Z 47.0 DET/CORR FRONT ROT 0.0 ! (cf 115D Perkins) 80 is just inside window, 386 instead of DT's 306, but seems to work? , 48 should be central grid DET/CORR FRONT RADIUS 48.0 DET/CORR FRONT SIDE 0.0 ! !! 2/11/12 MASK123T 4m A1=20,S5=16mm,S6=med,A2=8 Xpress SAMPLE/PATH/ON