Ticket #8538 (inprogress)

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

Add DOI to icat publishing

Reported by: Jay Rainey Owned by: Karl Palmen
Priority: major Milestone: Backlog
Component: Framework Keywords: ICAT, publish
Cc: Blocked By: #9208, #9223
Blocking: #9186 Tester:

Description (last modified by Jay Rainey) (diff)

This will need to be discussed further with Tom.


generate_doi.py (2.6 KB) - added by Jay Rainey 6 years ago.
Updated DOI wsdl

Change History

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Blocked By 8537 removed

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Summary changed from [ICAT] Add DOI to publishing to Add DOI to icat publishing

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Having spoken with Tom, the following was concluded:

  1. The DOI API is developed by the SCP, which is unlikely to be released by the code-freeze.
  2. Generating a DOI for a datafile is optional.
  3. When a user publishes a datafile they are automatically made private. Tom suggested that I should implement a checkbox to provide the user with an optional to make data private, and by default make it public.

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Milestone changed from Release 3.1 to Backlog

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Milestone changed from Backlog to Release 3.2

comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by Nick Draper

  • Status changed from new to assigned

Bulk move of tickets out of triage (new) to assigned at the introduction of the triage state

comment:8 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Priority changed from minor to major
  • Blocked By 9208, 9223 added

To add DOI generation support for publishing I need to:

  1. Generate gSoap files against the DOI generator end-point, which are:
    • https://data4.isis.stfc.ac.uk/doi/DOIService?wsdl Develop
    • https://sig-03.esc.rl.ac.uk:8181/doi/DOIService?wsdl Production
  2. Add the end-point (dev for now until changes below are made) to Facilities.xml.
  3. Update ICatalogInfoService to include a new method (generateDOIForDatafile) that makes use of the gSoap methods above (specifically: registerDatafileDOI) and returns the generated DOI (to output on LOG).
  4. Add and implement the functionality of the new method above in ICat4Catalog.
    • This includes obtaining the end-point from Facilities.xml t oaccomdate other facilities using th
  5. Add two new properties to CatalogPublish:
    • InvestigationID, "",`The database row ID of the investigation that you want to publish to. (Note: this is required to generate a DOI.)
    • GenerateDOI, true, "Generates a DOI for the datafile being published. Once a DOI is generated the datafile will be made public."
  6. Add logic to exec in CatalogPublish to make use of the properties and call generateDOIForDatafile from the catalog. Note: if a file fails to upload (e.g. already exists etc...) a DOI must not be generated.
  7. Update CatalogPublishDialog to have a checkbox for GenerateDOI. InvestigationID will be hidden on the GUI and obtained from the table generated getPublishInvestigations (once #9223 is complete).
    • The generateDOI (make public) checkbox on the GUI should be checked by default.
    • To prevent users accidentally generating DOIs that they may not have wanted to, a QMessageBox should be generated IF the user has checked generateDOI to confirm this choice.

comment:9 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Status changed from assigned to inprogress

Added DOI endpoint to Facilities.xml. Refs #8538.

Changeset: ecea7bceea7a5f6e89825f0885f658635ed819ee

comment:10 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Added tests for doi in CatalogInfo. Refs #8538.

  • Also added missing testing for external download url (IDS).

Changeset: 866ff0fed7beaef1d9e1f6584e2d5b14f300ca66

comment:11 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Added doiEndPoint method to CatalogInfo. Refs #8538.

Changeset: bb5a48f9e62af3561912ef98cc66bbe1d45ec288

comment:12 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Added gSoap generated code for endpoint. Refs #8538.

Changeset: b0e3af73c6cd51e3c382130ac92a90df010ce970

comment:13 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Add registerDatafileDOI to interface & inherited classes. Refs #8538.

Changeset: 78723d52a70a65d93f2a6a8e4ef05e2605a23f55

comment:14 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Refactor CatalogPublish error handling. Refs #8538.

Changeset: f968514b0e5cf84b9d5e7cd0ce9092e08c230d61

comment:15 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Merge 'origin/master' into feature/8538_icat_publish_dois. Refs #8538.

Changeset: 85af5037527c89ad144f3d6cfe51c90a808160d8

comment:16 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Add properties and logic to catalogPublish algorithm. Refs #8538.

Changeset: c8c27c2b692a8ba8b278f3e4d31111d11c0c6503

comment:17 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Use getRef for ease of use. Refs #8538.

Changeset: edf82a7693b662701d215009200d6ad14eb01e17

comment:18 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Rename parameter on registerDOI. Refs #8538.

Changeset: df97d12c6a40d9c615707c988504f210e3864a0e

comment:19 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Make SSLContext method generic via templates. Refs #8538.

  • This means we can make use of this for ICATProxy and the DOIProxy objects.

Changeset: 81fabd7e4e92859852b785a5ece696a0a3128114

comment:20 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Make throwErrorMessage generic via templates. Refs #8538.

Changeset: e228227527335ad62470427209d9453a663b0492

comment:21 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Renamed method. Refs #8538.

Changeset: ff5abaf1de9c4ad67afa5a58c089c8eb488b6e9e

comment:22 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Added DOI catalog implementation. Refs #8538.

Changeset: 3b19191643d0454738959cddb4aae4ef78d5bbcb

comment:23 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Added DatabaseID to investigation workspace. Refs #8538.

  • Removed investigationID check as it's handled on the DOI server.

Changeset: bc1936c94715a789ca0c6d201a0d60c5fde99262

comment:24 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Use specified namespace instead of ns1. Refs #8538.

Changeset: d0ce080430140ee01bfe1988cb13033bd21b19dd

comment:25 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Updated readme to include namespace generation. Refs #8538.

  • The -n option overrides the ns namespace prefix. This is required to prevent warnings if several end-points have been generated without a namespace set.

Changeset: a1a7698e8babbd2ea1855bdc3993e553f5eab424

comment:26 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Add make public checkbox to publish GUI. Refs #8538.

Changeset: ae0b0628c9ff6cf693e37113d96de3bf62743f71

comment:27 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Set DatabaseID property of Publish algorithm via GUI. Refs #8538.

Changeset: b18ec0d8d086f29259c9974815f5e75c3face193

comment:28 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Fix include. Refs #8538.

Changeset: dc3d16e311644f5530b43c0c98230b07d3f7992d

comment:29 Changed 7 years ago by Russell Taylor

The system test that validates of the Facilities file against its schema is failing because "doiendpoint" does not feature in the schema.

comment:30 Changed 7 years ago by Martyn Gigg

There are quite a lot of new cppcheck warnings for the generated code. I think we will need to add another EXCLUDE for the new gsoap-generated code in Code/Mantid/Build/CMake/CppCheckSetup.cmake.

comment:31 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Add CPPEXCLUDE for DOI gSoap generated code. Refs #8538.

Changeset: 0cf95f1071239e1699d0dbb1e3d42fa6205b5a07

comment:32 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Added doiendpoint to FacilitiesScheme. Refs #8538.

Changeset: 629055c43d37ea88ecc779772496f6f2a2190c0a

comment:33 Changed 7 years ago by Jay Rainey

Added doi field to datafile table. Refs #8538.

Changeset: b990be39e37845766b5c0d1ea64040740807bcbe

comment:34 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

Restrict doiendpoint as facilities may not support. Refs #8538.

Changeset: 4521af6562ad132455c606216ff160ac63126dab

comment:36 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Blocked By 9376 added

comment:37 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Blocked By 9376 removed

comment:38 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

Moved keepAlive above IDS methods. Refs #8538.

Changeset: 22d2990bc831c4f71965ae3201ec45413fe921be

comment:39 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

Updated doiendpoint (still using dev). Refs #8538.

Changeset: 63ea25c2a4474d02abf317dfc46f7693d904239c

comment:40 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

Updated doiendpoint to new development url. Refs #8538.

Changeset: 0f951ee96e6fce41e1a043c06590b5111a51098a

comment:41 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

Merge 'origin/master' into feature/8538_icat_publish_dois. Refs #8538.


  • Code/Mantid/Framework/ICat/src/ICat4/ICat4Catalog.cpp

Changeset: 4b1e897e3ab5869886f7b381b5d8773bb0678296

comment:42 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

Add better logging messages for publishing. Refs #8538.

Changeset: e1b0fc694f9fb735b75646739c7d11fb32e1b79e

comment:43 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

The functionality is complete, but am having issues with the ICAT DOI development server (It's throwing an error when DOI generation should be valid). I've got in touch with the DOI developer and once this is sorted this can be tested.

comment:44 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Blocking 9186 added

Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

Updated DOI wsdl

comment:45 Changed 6 years ago by Jay Rainey

  • Owner changed from Jay Rainey to Karl Palmen

The functionality for this ticket is complete. However, there are permission issues in ICAT that are preventing DOIs being generated, which Tom is looking into. Once these have been addressed this ticket can be opened for testing. If it does not pass testing, any additional changes should occur on the published branch.


This ticket deals with generating a DOI when the user publishes a datafile to the archives and has checked the "Make public" option on the CatalogPublish dialog.


Development settings in Facilities.xml

You must update the url of soapendpoint, externaldownload and doiendpoint to be the following to ensure only test DOIs are generated:

 <soapendpoint url="https://icatdev.isis.cclrc.ac.uk/ICATService/ICAT"></soapendpoint>
 <externaldownload url="https://isisoxfordvmsrv.isis.cclrc.ac.uk/ids/"></externaldownload>
 <doiendpoint url="https://topcatdev.isis.cclrc.ac.uk/doi/DOIWebService"></doiendpoint>

Generating a DOI

To be thorough I have attached a python script that will generate a DOI against the test server. This should be used prior to testing it within Mantid. This is a faster way to observe if there are any errors on ICAT when generating DOIs.

Generating a DOI with the provided script

Note: If the DOI has been generated, then this proves that a DOI can be generated, and saved into ICAT successfully.

Remember to change your Facilities.xml file to the developer options.

  1. Run the attached script. Enter your username & password.
  2. Select f for the Object type as we want to generate a DOI for a datafile.
  3. Enter 32493044 into the Object id field. Note: This is the ID of a datafile in an EMU investigation. The title of this investigation is: Magnetic ionic liquid surfactants.
  4. You will notice that a DOI has been generated. If an error occurs (DOI not created, response code: 400), then this ICAT permissions is is still not fixed! Contact Tom about this.
  5. Now that a DOI has been generated we need to see if it saved correctly to ICAT.
  6. Log into the catalog and open the Search GUI.
  7. In the Investigation name field enter: Magnetic ionic liquid surfactants and click Search.
  8. Double click on the investigation and the Datafiles information table will be populated.
  9. Observe that a DOI now exists in the related row for that datafile.

Generating a DOI within Mantid

Remember to change your Facilities.xml file to the developer options.

  1. Log into the catalog.
  2. Left click Publish in the Catalog menu. The publishing GUI will open.
  3. Select Make public. This option ensures a DOI is generated when the datafile is published.
  4. Select a datafile to upload to ICAT.
  5. Enter a name in the Name in catalog field. Copy that name to your clipboard.
  6. Select an investigation where you would like to publish the datafile.
  7. Click Run. If the file is uploaded successfully then a DOI will be generated.
  8. Open the catalog search GUI.
  9. Click Advanced search and paste the above file name into the Datafile name field.
  10. Click Search and double click the investigation that is returned.

Code review

As generating a DOI is irreversible it is essential to perform a thorough code review. I recommend reading comment:8 to gain an idea of what the desired logic for this ticket was.

Note: once this ticket has been tested the ICAT DOI endpoint (doiendpoint) should be updated to that of the production server, and not the testing server.

comment:46 Changed 6 years ago by Karl Palmen

  • Milestone changed from Release 3.2 to Release 3.3

comment:47 Changed 6 years ago by Nick Draper

Moved to the backlog at the code freeze of R3.3

comment:48 Changed 6 years ago by Nick Draper

  • Milestone changed from Release 3.3 to Backlog

comment:49 Changed 5 years ago by Stuart Campbell

This ticket has been transferred to github issue 9382

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