Ticket #5905: fetch.patch

File fetch.patch, 3.1 KB (added by Gesner Passos, 8 years ago)

Patch file that does the replacement of git.cmd to git

  • Code/fetch_Third_Party.bat

    diff --git a/Code/fetch_Third_Party.bat b/Code/fetch_Third_Party.bat
    index 2baf5a44..55a6cbf 100755
    a b del CheckOS.txt 
    2222del StringCheck.txt 
    2424:: Find out the url where mantid came from so we use the same location & protocol 
    25 FOR /F %%I IN ('git.cmd config --get remote.origin.url') DO SET url=%%I 
     25FOR /F %%I IN ('git config --get remote.origin.url') DO SET url=%%I 
    2626echo Mantid repository URL: %url% 
    2828:: Check if includes are already there - if so, just update 
    IF EXIST Third_Party/include GOTO UpdateInc 
    3131set incs=%url:mantid.git=%3rdpartyincludes.git 
    3232:: Otherwise we need to clone 
    3333echo Cloning Third_Party includes from %incs% 
    34 call git.cmd clone %incs% Third_Party/include 
     34call git clone %incs% Third_Party/include 
    3737:: Check is libs are already there - if so, just update 
    echo %libs% 
    4343:: Otherwise we need to clone 
    4444echo Cloning Third_Party libraries from %libs% 
    45 call git.cmd clone %libs% Third_Party/lib/%arch% 
     45call git clone %libs% Third_Party/lib/%arch% 
    4646exit 0 
    4848:: Just making sure what we have is up to date 
    5050echo Updating Third_Party includes... 
    5151cd Third_Party/include 
    52 call git.cmd pull 
     52call git pull 
    5353:: Be sure to end up back where we started 
    5454cd ../.. 
    5555GOTO :DoLibs 
    GOTO :DoLibs 
    5858echo Updating Third_Party libraries... 
    5959cd Third_Party/lib/%arch% 
    60 call git.cmd pull 
     60call git pull 
    6161:: Be sure to end up back where we started 
    6262cd ../../.. 
    6363exit 0