1 | # Bayes routines |
2 | # Fortran programs use fixed length arrays whereas Python has variable lenght lists |
3 | # Input : the Python list is padded to Fortrans length using procedure PadArray |
4 | # Output : the Fortran numpy array is sliced to Python length using dataY = yout[:ny] |
5 | # |
6 | from IndirectImport import * |
7 | if is_supported_f2py_platform(): |
8 | Er = import_f2py("erange") |
9 | QLr = import_f2py("QLres") |
10 | QLd = import_f2py("QLdata") |
11 | Qse = import_f2py("QLse") |
12 | Que = import_f2py("Quest") |
13 | resnorm = import_f2py("ResNorm") |
14 | else: |
15 | unsupported_message() |
16 | |
17 | from mantid.simpleapi import * |
18 | from mantid import config, logger, mtd |
19 | from IndirectCommon import * |
20 | import sys, platform, math, os.path, numpy as np |
21 | mp = import_mantidplot() |
22 | |
23 | def CalcErange(inWS,ns,er,nbin): |
24 | rscl = 1.0 |
25 | array_len = 4096 # length of array in Fortran |
26 | N,X,Y,E = GetXYE(inWS,ns,array_len) # get data |
27 | nout,bnorm,Xdat=Er.erange(N,X,Y,E,er,nbin,rscl) # calculate energy range |
28 | if nout[0] == 0: |
29 | error = 'Erange - calculated points is Zero' |
30 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
31 | sys.exit(error) |
32 | if nout[1] == 0: |
33 | error = 'Erange - calculated Imin is Zero' |
34 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
35 | sys.exit(error) |
36 | if nout[2] == 0: |
37 | error = 'Erange - calculated Imax is Zero' |
38 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
39 | sys.exit(error) |
40 | return nout,bnorm,Xdat,X,Y,E |
41 | |
42 | def GetXYE(inWS,n,array_len): |
43 | Xin = mtd[inWS].readX(n) |
44 | N = len(Xin)-1 # get no. points from length of x array |
45 | Yin = mtd[inWS].readY(n) |
46 | Ein = mtd[inWS].readE(n) |
47 | X=PadArray(Xin,array_len) |
48 | Y=PadArray(Yin,array_len) |
49 | E=PadArray(Ein,array_len) |
50 | return N,X,Y,E |
51 | |
52 | def GetResNorm(resnormWS,ngrp): |
53 | if ngrp == 0: # read values from WS |
54 | dtnorm = mtd[resnormWS+'_Intensity'].readY(0) |
55 | xscale = mtd[resnormWS+'_Stretch'].readY(0) |
56 | else: # constant values |
57 | dtnorm = [] |
58 | xscale = [] |
59 | for m in range(0,ngrp): |
60 | dtnorm.append(1.0) |
61 | xscale.append(1.0) |
62 | dtn=PadArray(dtnorm,51) # pad for Fortran call |
63 | xsc=PadArray(xscale,51) |
64 | return dtn,xsc |
65 | |
66 | def ReadNormFile(readRes,resnormWS,nsam,Verbose): # get norm & scale values |
67 | if readRes: # use ResNorm file option=o_res |
68 | Xin = mtd[resnormWS+'_Intensity'].readX(0) |
69 | nrm = len(Xin) # no. points from length of x array |
70 | if nrm == 0: |
71 | error = 'ResNorm file has no Intensity points' |
72 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
73 | sys.exit(error) |
74 | Xin = mtd[resnormWS+'_Stretch'].readX(0) # no. points from length of x array |
75 | if len(Xin) == 0: |
76 | error = 'ResNorm file has no xscale points' |
77 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
78 | sys.exit(error) |
79 | if nrm != nsam: # check that no. groups are the same |
80 | error = 'ResNorm groups (' +str(nrm) + ') not = Sample (' +str(nsam) +')' |
81 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
82 | sys.exit(error) |
83 | else: |
84 | dtn,xsc = GetResNorm(resnormWS,0) |
85 | else: |
86 | # do not use ResNorm file |
87 | dtn,xsc = GetResNorm(resnormWS,nsam) |
88 | return dtn,xsc |
89 | |
90 | #Reads in a width ASCII file |
91 | def ReadWidthFile(readWidth,widthFile,numSampleGroups,Verbose): |
92 | widthY = [] |
93 | widthE = [] |
94 | |
95 | if readWidth: |
96 | |
97 | if Verbose: |
98 | logger.notice('Width file is ' + widthFile) |
99 | |
100 | # read ascii based width file |
101 | try: |
102 | wfPath = FileFinder.getFullPath(widthFile) |
103 | handle = open(wfPath, 'r') |
104 | asc = [] |
105 | |
106 | for line in handle: |
107 | line = line.rstrip() |
108 | asc.append(line) |
109 | handle.close() |
110 | |
111 | except Exception, e: |
112 | error = 'Failed to read width file' |
113 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
114 | sys.exit(error) |
115 | |
116 | numLines = len(asc) |
117 | |
118 | if numLines == 0: |
119 | error = 'No groups in width file' |
120 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
121 | sys.exit(error) |
122 | |
123 | if numLines != numSampleGroups: # check that no. groups are the same |
124 | error = 'Width groups (' +str(numLines) + ') not = Sample (' +str(numSampleGroups) +')' |
125 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
126 | sys.exit(error) |
127 | |
128 | else: |
129 | # no file: just use constant values |
130 | widthY = np.zeros(numSampleGroups) |
131 | widthE = np.zeros(numSampleGroups) |
132 | |
133 | # pad for Fortran call |
134 | widthY = PadArray(widthY,51) |
135 | widthE = PadArray(widthE,51) |
136 | |
137 | return widthY, widthE |
138 | |
139 | # QLines programs |
140 | def QLRun(program,samWS,resWS,resnormWS,erange,nbins,Fit,wfile,Loop,Verbose,Plot,Save): |
141 | StartTime(program) |
142 | |
143 | #expand fit options |
144 | elastic, background, width, resnorm = Fit |
145 | |
146 | #convert true/false to 1/0 for fortran |
147 | o_el = 1 if elastic else 0 |
148 | o_w1 = 1 if width else 0 |
149 | o_res = 1 if resnorm else 0 |
150 | |
151 | #fortran code uses background choices defined using the following numbers |
152 | if background == 'Sloping': |
153 | o_bgd = 2 |
154 | elif background == 'Flat': |
155 | o_bgd = 1 |
156 | elif background == 'Zero': |
157 | o_bgd = 0 |
158 | |
159 | fitOp = [o_el, o_bgd, o_w1, o_res] |
160 | |
161 | workdir = getDefaultWorkingDirectory() |
162 | |
163 | facility = config['default.facility'] |
164 | array_len = 4096 # length of array in Fortran |
165 | CheckXrange(erange,'Energy') |
166 | |
167 | nbin,nrbin = nbins[0], nbins[1] |
168 | |
169 | if Verbose: |
170 | logger.notice('Sample is ' + samWS) |
171 | logger.notice('Resolution is ' + resWS) |
172 | |
173 | if facility == 'ISIS': |
174 | CheckAnalysers(samWS,resWS,Verbose) |
175 | efix = getEfixed(samWS) |
176 | theta,Q = GetThetaQ(samWS) |
177 | |
178 | nsam,ntc = CheckHistZero(samWS) |
179 | |
180 | totalNoSam = nsam |
181 | |
182 | #check if we're performing a sequential fit |
183 | if Loop != True: |
184 | nsam = 1 |
185 | |
186 | nres,ntr = CheckHistZero(resWS) |
187 | |
188 | if program == 'QL': |
189 | if nres == 1: |
190 | prog = 'QLr' # res file |
191 | else: |
192 | prog = 'QLd' # data file |
193 | CheckHistSame(samWS,'Sample',resWS,'Resolution') |
194 | elif program == 'QSe': |
195 | if nres == 1: |
196 | prog = 'QSe' # res file |
197 | else: |
198 | error = 'Stretched Exp ONLY works with RES file' |
199 | sys.exit(error) |
200 | |
201 | if Verbose: |
202 | logger.notice('Version is ' +prog) |
203 | logger.notice(' Number of spectra = '+str(nsam)) |
204 | logger.notice(' Erange : '+str(erange[0])+' to '+str(erange[1])) |
205 | |
206 | Wy,We = ReadWidthFile(width,wfile,totalNoSam,Verbose) |
207 | dtn,xsc = ReadNormFile(resnorm,resnormWS,totalNoSam,Verbose) |
208 | |
209 | fname = samWS[:-4] + '_'+ prog |
210 | probWS = fname + '_Prob' |
211 | fitWS = fname + '_Fit' |
212 | datWS = fname + '_Data' |
213 | wrks=os.path.join(workdir, samWS[:-4]) |
214 | if Verbose: |
215 | logger.notice(' lptfile : '+wrks+'_'+prog+'.lpt') |
216 | lwrk=len(wrks) |
217 | wrks.ljust(140,' ') |
218 | wrkr=resWS |
219 | wrkr.ljust(140,' ') |
220 | wrk = [wrks, wrkr] |
221 | |
222 | # initialise probability list |
223 | if program == 'QL': |
224 | prob0 = [] |
225 | prob1 = [] |
226 | prob2 = [] |
227 | xQ = np.array([Q[0]]) |
228 | for m in range(1,nsam): |
229 | xQ = np.append(xQ,Q[m]) |
230 | xProb = xQ |
231 | xProb = np.append(xProb,xQ) |
232 | xProb = np.append(xProb,xQ) |
233 | eProb = np.zeros(3*nsam) |
234 | |
235 | group = '' |
236 | for m in range(0,nsam): |
237 | if Verbose: |
238 | logger.notice('Group ' +str(m)+ ' at angle '+ str(theta[m])) |
239 | nsp = m+1 |
240 | nout,bnorm,Xdat,Xv,Yv,Ev = CalcErange(samWS,m,erange,nbin) |
241 | Ndat = nout[0] |
242 | Imin = nout[1] |
243 | Imax = nout[2] |
244 | if prog == 'QLd': |
245 | mm = m |
246 | else: |
247 | mm = 0 |
248 | Nb,Xb,Yb,Eb = GetXYE(resWS,mm,array_len) # get resolution data |
249 | numb = [nsam, nsp, ntc, Ndat, nbin, Imin, Imax, Nb, nrbin] |
250 | rscl = 1.0 |
251 | reals = [efix, theta[m], rscl, bnorm] |
252 | if prog == 'QLr': |
253 | nd,xout,yout,eout,yfit,yprob=QLr.qlres(numb,Xv,Yv,Ev,reals,fitOp, |
254 | Xdat,Xb,Yb,Wy,We,dtn,xsc, |
255 | wrks,wrkr,lwrk) |
256 | message = ' Log(prob) : '+str(yprob[0])+' '+str(yprob[1])+' '+str(yprob[2])+' '+str(yprob[3]) |
257 | if Verbose: |
258 | logger.notice(message) |
259 | if prog == 'QLd': |
260 | nd,xout,yout,eout,yfit,yprob=QLd.qldata(numb,Xv,Yv,Ev,reals,fitOp, |
261 | Xdat,Xb,Yb,Eb,Wy,We, |
262 | wrks,wrkr,lwrk) |
263 | message = ' Log(prob) : '+str(yprob[0])+' '+str(yprob[1])+' '+str(yprob[2])+' '+str(yprob[3]) |
264 | if Verbose: |
265 | logger.notice(message) |
266 | if prog == 'QSe': |
267 | nd,xout,yout,eout,yfit,yprob=Qse.qlstexp(numb,Xv,Yv,Ev,reals,fitOp, |
268 | Xdat,Xb,Yb,Wy,We,dtn,xsc, |
269 | wrks,wrkr,lwrk) |
270 | dataX = xout[:nd] |
271 | dataX = np.append(dataX,2*xout[nd-1]-xout[nd-2]) |
272 | yfit_list = np.split(yfit[:4*nd],4) |
273 | dataF0 = yfit_list[0] |
274 | dataF1 = yfit_list[1] |
275 | if program == 'QL': |
276 | dataF2 = yfit_list[2] |
277 | dataF3 = yfit_list[3] |
278 | dataG = np.zeros(nd) |
279 | datX = dataX |
280 | datY = yout[:nd] |
281 | datE = eout[:nd] |
282 | datX = np.append(datX,dataX) |
283 | datY = np.append(datY,dataF1[:nd]) |
284 | datE = np.append(datE,dataG) |
285 | res1 = dataF1[:nd] - yout[:nd] |
286 | datX = np.append(datX,dataX) |
287 | datY = np.append(datY,res1) |
288 | datE = np.append(datE,dataG) |
289 | nsp = 3 |
290 | names = 'data,fit.1,diff.1' |
291 | res_plot = [0, 1, 2] |
292 | if program == 'QL': |
293 | datX = np.append(datX,dataX) |
294 | datY = np.append(datY,dataF2[:nd]) |
295 | datE = np.append(datE,dataG) |
296 | res2 = dataF2[:nd] - yout[:nd] |
297 | datX = np.append(datX,dataX) |
298 | datY = np.append(datY,res2) |
299 | datE = np.append(datE,dataG) |
300 | nsp += 2 |
301 | names += ',fit.2,diff.2' |
302 | res_plot.append(4) |
303 | prob0.append(yprob[0]) |
304 | prob1.append(yprob[1]) |
305 | prob2.append(yprob[2]) |
306 | |
307 | # create result workspace |
308 | fitWS = fname+'_Result' |
309 | fout = fitWS +'_'+ str(m) |
310 | |
311 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=fout, DataX=datX, DataY=datY, DataE=datE, |
312 | Nspec=nsp, UnitX='DeltaE', VerticalAxisUnit='Text', VerticalAxisValues=names) |
313 | |
314 | # append workspace to list of results |
315 | group += fout + ',' |
316 | |
317 | |
318 | GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces=group,OutputWorkspace=fitWS) |
319 | |
320 | if program == 'QL': |
321 | yPr0 = np.array([prob0[0]]) |
322 | yPr1 = np.array([prob1[0]]) |
323 | yPr2 = np.array([prob2[0]]) |
324 | for m in range(1,nsam): |
325 | yPr0 = np.append(yPr0,prob0[m]) |
326 | yPr1 = np.append(yPr1,prob1[m]) |
327 | yPr2 = np.append(yPr2,prob2[m]) |
328 | yProb = yPr0 |
329 | yProb = np.append(yProb,yPr1) |
330 | yProb = np.append(yProb,yPr2) |
331 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=probWS, DataX=xProb, DataY=yProb, DataE=eProb, |
332 | Nspec=3, UnitX='MomentumTransfer') |
333 | outWS = C2Fw(samWS[:-4],fname) |
334 | if (Plot != 'None'): |
335 | QLPlotQL(fname,Plot,res_plot,Loop) |
336 | if program == 'QSe': |
337 | outWS = C2Se(fname) |
338 | if (Plot != 'None'): |
339 | QLPlotQSe(fname,Plot,res_plot,Loop) |
340 | |
341 | #Add some sample logs to the output workspace |
342 | AddSampleLog(Workspace=outWS, LogName="Fit Program", LogType="String", LogText=prog) |
343 | AddSampleLog(Workspace=outWS, LogName="Energy min", LogType="Number", LogText=str(erange[0])) |
344 | AddSampleLog(Workspace=outWS, LogName="Energy max", LogType="Number", LogText=str(erange[1])) |
345 | AddSampleLog(Workspace=outWS, LogName="Elastic", LogType="String", LogText=str(elastic)) |
346 | |
347 | AddSampleLog(Workspace=outWS, LogName="ResNorm", LogType="String", LogText=str(resnorm)) |
348 | if resnorm: |
349 | AddSampleLog(Workspace=outWS, LogName="ResNorm file", LogType="String", LogText=resnormWS) |
350 | |
351 | AddSampleLog(Workspace=outWS, LogName="Width", LogType="String", LogText=str(width)) |
352 | |
353 | if width: |
354 | AddSampleLog(Workspace=outWS, LogName="Width file", LogType="String", LogText=wfile) |
355 | |
356 | if Save: |
357 | fit_path = os.path.join(workdir,fitWS+'.nxs') |
358 | SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=fitWS, Filename=fit_path) |
359 | out_path = os.path.join(workdir, outWS+'.nxs') # path name for nxs file |
360 | SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=outWS, Filename=out_path) |
361 | if Verbose: |
362 | logger.notice('Output fit file created : ' + fit_path) |
363 | logger.notice('Output paramter file created : ' + out_path) |
364 | EndTime(program) |
365 | |
366 | |
367 | def LorBlock(a,first,nl): #read Ascii block of Integers |
368 | line1 = a[first] |
369 | first += 1 |
370 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #Q,AMAX,HWHM,BSCL,GSCL |
371 | Q = val[0] |
372 | AMAX = val[1] |
373 | HWHM = val[2] |
374 | BSCL = val[3] |
375 | GSCL = val[4] |
376 | first += 1 |
377 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #A0,A1,A2,A4 |
378 | int0 = [AMAX*val[0]] |
379 | bgd1 = BSCL*val[1] |
380 | bgd2 = BSCL*val[2] |
381 | zero = GSCL*val[3] |
382 | first += 1 |
383 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #AI,FWHM first peak |
384 | fw = [2.*HWHM*val[1]] |
385 | int = [AMAX*val[0]] |
386 | if nl >= 2: |
387 | first += 1 |
388 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #AI,FWHM second peak |
389 | fw.append(2.*HWHM*val[1]) |
390 | int.append(AMAX*val[0]) |
391 | if nl == 3: |
392 | first += 1 |
393 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #AI,FWHM third peak |
394 | fw.append(2.*HWHM*val[1]) |
395 | int.append(AMAX*val[0]) |
396 | first += 1 |
397 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIG0 |
398 | int0.append(val[0]) |
399 | first += 1 |
400 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIGIK |
401 | int.append(AMAX*math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
402 | first += 1 |
403 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIGFK |
404 | fw.append(2.0*HWHM*math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
405 | if nl >= 2: # second peak |
406 | first += 1 |
407 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIGIK |
408 | int.append(AMAX*math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
409 | first += 1 |
410 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIGFK |
411 | fw.append(2.0*HWHM*math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
412 | if nl == 3: # third peak |
413 | first += 1 |
414 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIGIK |
415 | int.append(AMAX*math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
416 | first += 1 |
417 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIGFK |
418 | fw.append(2.0*HWHM*math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
419 | first += 1 |
420 | return first,Q,int0,fw,int #values as list |
421 | |
422 | def C2Fw(prog,sname): |
423 | workdir = config['defaultsave.directory'] |
424 | outWS = sname+'_Workspace' |
425 | Vaxis = [] |
426 | |
427 | dataX = np.array([]) |
428 | dataY = np.array([]) |
429 | dataE = np.array([]) |
430 | |
431 | nhist = 0 |
432 | for nl in range(1,4): |
433 | file = sname + '.ql' +str(nl) |
434 | handle = open(os.path.join(workdir, file), 'r') |
435 | asc = [] |
436 | for line in handle: |
437 | line = line.rstrip() |
438 | asc.append(line) |
439 | handle.close() |
440 | lasc = len(asc) |
441 | var = asc[3].split() #split line on spaces |
442 | nspec = var[0] |
443 | ndat = var[1] |
444 | var = ExtractInt(asc[6]) |
445 | first = 7 |
446 | Xout = [] |
447 | |
448 | ns = int(nspec) |
449 | |
450 | YData = [[] for i in range(6)] |
451 | EData = [[] for i in range(6)] |
452 | |
453 | for m in range(0,ns): |
454 | first,Q,i0,fw,it = LorBlock(asc,first,nl) |
455 | Xout.append(Q) |
456 | |
457 | for i in range(0,nl): |
458 | #collect amplitude and width data |
459 | YData[i*2].append(fw[i]) |
460 | YData[i*2+1].append(it[i]) |
461 | EData[i*2].append(fw[nl+i]) |
462 | EData[i*2+1].append(it[nl+i]) |
463 | |
464 | nhist += nl*2 |
465 | |
466 | for i in range(0,nl): |
467 | #append amplitude |
468 | dataX = np.append(dataX, np.array(Xout)) |
469 | dataY = np.append(dataY, np.array(YData[i*2+1])) |
470 | dataE = np.append(dataE, np.array(EData[i*2+1])) |
471 | Vaxis.append('ampl.'+str(nl)+'.'+str(i+1)) |
472 | |
473 | #append width |
474 | dataX = np.append(dataX, np.array(Xout)) |
475 | dataY = np.append(dataY, np.array(YData[i*2])) |
476 | dataE = np.append(dataE, np.array(EData[i*2])) |
477 | Vaxis.append('width.'+str(nl)+'.'+str(i+1)) |
478 | |
479 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=outWS, DataX=dataX, DataY=dataY, DataE=dataE, Nspec=nhist, |
480 | UnitX='MomentumTransfer', VerticalAxisUnit='Text', VerticalAxisValues=Vaxis, YUnitLabel='') |
481 | |
482 | return outWS |
483 | |
484 | def SeBlock(a,first): #read Ascii block of Integers |
485 | line1 = a[first] |
486 | first += 1 |
487 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #Q,AMAX,HWHM |
488 | Q = val[0] |
489 | AMAX = val[1] |
490 | HWHM = val[2] |
491 | first += 1 |
492 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #A0 |
493 | int0 = [AMAX*val[0]] |
494 | first += 1 |
495 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #AI,FWHM first peak |
496 | fw = [2.*HWHM*val[1]] |
497 | int = [AMAX*val[0]] |
498 | first += 1 |
499 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIG0 |
500 | int0.append(val[0]) |
501 | first += 1 |
502 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIG3K |
503 | int.append(AMAX*math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
504 | first += 1 |
505 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIG1K |
506 | fw.append(2.0*HWHM*math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
507 | first += 1 |
508 | be = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #EXPBET |
509 | first += 1 |
510 | val = ExtractFloat(a[first]) #SIG2K |
511 | be.append(math.sqrt(math.fabs(val[0])+1.0e-20)) |
512 | first += 1 |
513 | return first,Q,int0,fw,int,be #values as list |
514 | |
515 | def C2Se(sname): |
516 | workdir = config['defaultsave.directory'] |
517 | prog = 'QSe' |
518 | outWS = sname+'_Workspace' |
519 | handle = open(os.path.join(workdir, sname+'.qse'), 'r') |
520 | asc = [] |
521 | for line in handle: |
522 | line = line.rstrip() |
523 | asc.append(line) |
524 | handle.close() |
525 | lasc = len(asc) |
526 | var = asc[3].split() #split line on spaces |
527 | nspec = var[0] |
528 | ndat = var[1] |
529 | var = ExtractInt(asc[6]) |
530 | first = 7 |
531 | Xout = [] |
532 | Yf = [] |
533 | Ef = [] |
534 | Yi = [] |
535 | Ei = [] |
536 | Yb = [] |
537 | Eb = [] |
538 | ns = int(nspec) |
539 | |
540 | dataX = np.array([]) |
541 | dataY = np.array([]) |
542 | dataE = np.array([]) |
543 | |
544 | for m in range(0,ns): |
545 | first,Q,int0,fw,it,be = SeBlock(asc,first) |
546 | Xout.append(Q) |
547 | Yf.append(fw[0]) |
548 | Ef.append(fw[1]) |
549 | Yi.append(it[0]) |
550 | Ei.append(it[1]) |
551 | Yb.append(be[0]) |
552 | Eb.append(be[1]) |
553 | Vaxis = [] |
554 | |
555 | dataX = np.append(dataX,np.array(Xout)) |
556 | dataY = np.append(dataY,np.array(Yi)) |
557 | dataE = np.append(dataE,np.array(Ei)) |
558 | nhist = 1 |
559 | Vaxis.append('ampl') |
560 | |
561 | dataX = np.append(dataX, np.array(Xout)) |
562 | dataY = np.append(dataY, np.array(Yf)) |
563 | dataE = np.append(dataE, np.array(Ef)) |
564 | nhist += 1 |
565 | Vaxis.append('width') |
566 | |
567 | dataX = np.append(dataX,np.array(Xout)) |
568 | dataY = np.append(dataY,np.array(Yb)) |
569 | dataE = np.append(dataE,np.array(Eb)) |
570 | nhist += 1 |
571 | Vaxis.append('beta') |
572 | |
573 | logger.notice('Vaxis=' + str(Vaxis)) |
574 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=outWS, DataX=dataX, DataY=dataY, DataE=dataE, Nspec=nhist, |
575 | UnitX='MomentumTransfer', VerticalAxisUnit='Text', VerticalAxisValues=Vaxis, YUnitLabel='') |
576 | return outWS |
577 | |
578 | def QLPlotQL(inputWS,Plot,res_plot,Loop): |
579 | if Loop: |
580 | if (Plot == 'Prob' or Plot == 'All'): |
581 | pWS = inputWS+'_Prob' |
582 | p_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(pWS,[1,2],False) |
583 | |
584 | if (Plot == 'FwHm' or Plot == 'All'): |
585 | ilist = [1,3,5] |
586 | i_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(inputWS+'_Workspace',ilist,True) |
587 | i_layer = i_plot.activeLayer() |
588 | i_layer.setAxisTitle(mp.Layer.Left,'Amplitude') |
589 | if (Plot == 'Intensity' or Plot == 'All'): |
590 | wlist = [0,2,4] |
591 | w_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(inputWS+'_Workspace',wlist,True) |
592 | w_layer = w_plot.activeLayer() |
593 | w_layer.setAxisTitle(mp.Layer.Left,'Full width half maximum (meV)') |
594 | if (Plot == 'Fit' or Plot == 'All'): |
595 | fWS = inputWS+'_Result_0' |
596 | f_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(fWS,res_plot,False) |
597 | |
598 | def QLPlotQSe(inputWS,Plot,res_plot,Loop): |
599 | if Loop: |
600 | if (Plot == 'FwHm' or Plot == 'All'): |
601 | i_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(inputWS+'_Workspace',1,True) |
602 | i_layer = i_plot.activeLayer() |
603 | i_layer.setAxisTitle(mp.Layer.Left,'Amplitude') |
604 | if (Plot == 'Intensity' or Plot == 'All'): |
605 | w_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(inputWS+'_Workspace',0,True) |
606 | w_layer = w_plot.activeLayer() |
607 | w_layer.setAxisTitle(mp.Layer.Left,'Full width half maximum (meV)') |
608 | if (Plot == 'Beta' or Plot == 'All'): |
609 | b_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(inputWS+'_Workspace',2,True) |
610 | b_layer = b_plot.activeLayer() |
611 | b_layer.setAxisTitle(mp.Layer.Left,'Beta') |
612 | if (Plot == 'Fit' or Plot == 'All'): |
613 | fWS = inputWS+'_Result_0' |
614 | f_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(fWS,res_plot,False) |
615 | |
616 | # Quest programs |
617 | def CheckBetSig(nbs): |
618 | Nsig = int(nbs[1]) |
619 | if Nsig == 0: |
620 | error = 'Number of sigma points is Zero' |
621 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
622 | sys.exit(error) |
623 | if Nsig > 200: |
624 | error = 'Max number of sigma points is 200' |
625 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
626 | sys.exit(error) |
627 | Nbet = int(nbs[0]) |
628 | if Nbet == 0: |
629 | error = 'Number of beta points is Zero' |
630 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
631 | sys.exit(error) |
632 | if Nbet > 200: |
633 | error = 'Max number of beta points is 200' |
634 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
635 | sys.exit(error) |
636 | return Nbet,Nsig |
637 | |
638 | def QuestRun(samWS,resWS,nbs,erange,nbins,Fit,Loop,Verbose,Plot,Save): |
639 | StartTime('Quest') |
640 | #expand fit options |
641 | elastic, background, width, resnorm = Fit |
642 | |
643 | #convert true/false to 1/0 for fortran |
644 | o_el = 1 if elastic else 0 |
645 | o_w1 = 1 if width else 0 |
646 | o_res = 1 if resnorm else 0 |
647 | |
648 | #fortran code uses background choices defined using the following numbers |
649 | if background == 'Sloping': |
650 | o_bgd = 2 |
651 | elif background == 'Flat': |
652 | o_bgd = 1 |
653 | elif background == 'Zero': |
654 | o_bgd = 0 |
655 | |
656 | fitOp = [o_el, o_bgd, o_w1, o_res] |
657 | |
658 | workdir = getDefaultWorkingDirectory() |
659 | |
660 | array_len = 4096 # length of array in Fortran |
661 | CheckXrange(erange,'Energy') |
662 | nbin,nrbin = nbins[0],nbins[1] |
663 | if Verbose: |
664 | logger.notice('Sample is ' + samWS) |
665 | logger.notice('Resolution is ' + resWS) |
666 | CheckAnalysers(samWS,resWS,Verbose) |
667 | nsam,ntc = CheckHistZero(samWS) |
668 | |
669 | if Loop != True: |
670 | nsam = 1 |
671 | |
672 | efix = getEfixed(samWS) |
673 | theta,Q = GetThetaQ(samWS) |
674 | nres,ntr = CheckHistZero(resWS) |
675 | if nres == 1: |
676 | prog = 'Qst' # res file |
677 | else: |
678 | error = 'Stretched Exp ONLY works with RES file' |
679 | logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error) |
680 | sys.exit(error) |
681 | if Verbose: |
682 | logger.notice(' Number of spectra = '+str(nsam)) |
683 | logger.notice(' Erange : '+str(erange[0])+' to '+str(erange[1])) |
684 | |
685 | fname = samWS[:-4] + '_'+ prog |
686 | wrks=os.path.join(workdir, samWS[:-4]) |
687 | if Verbose: |
688 | logger.notice(' lptfile : ' + wrks +'_Qst.lpt') |
689 | lwrk=len(wrks) |
690 | wrks.ljust(140,' ') |
691 | wrkr=resWS |
692 | wrkr.ljust(140,' ') |
693 | wrk = [wrks, wrkr] |
694 | Nbet,Nsig = nbs[0], nbs[1] |
695 | eBet0 = np.zeros(Nbet) # set errors to zero |
696 | eSig0 = np.zeros(Nsig) # set errors to zero |
697 | rscl = 1.0 |
698 | Qaxis = '' |
699 | for m in range(0,nsam): |
700 | if Verbose: |
701 | logger.notice('Group ' +str(m)+ ' at angle '+ str(theta[m])) |
702 | nsp = m+1 |
703 | nout,bnorm,Xdat,Xv,Yv,Ev = CalcErange(samWS,m,erange,nbin) |
704 | Ndat = nout[0] |
705 | Imin = nout[1] |
706 | Imax = nout[2] |
707 | Nb,Xb,Yb,Eb = GetXYE(resWS,0,array_len) |
708 | numb = [nsam, nsp, ntc, Ndat, nbin, Imin, Imax, Nb, nrbin, Nbet, Nsig] |
709 | reals = [efix, theta[m], rscl, bnorm] |
710 | xsout,ysout,xbout,ybout,zpout=Que.quest(numb,Xv,Yv,Ev,reals,fitOp, |
711 | Xdat,Xb,Yb,wrks,wrkr,lwrk) |
712 | dataXs = xsout[:Nsig] # reduce from fixed Fortran array |
713 | dataYs = ysout[:Nsig] |
714 | dataXb = xbout[:Nbet] |
715 | dataYb = ybout[:Nbet] |
716 | zpWS = fname + '_Zp' +str(m) |
717 | if (m > 0): |
718 | Qaxis += ',' |
719 | Qaxis += str(Q[m]) |
720 | for n in range(0,Nsig): |
721 | yfit_list = np.split(zpout[:Nsig*Nbet],Nsig) |
722 | dataYzp = yfit_list[n] |
723 | if n == 0: |
724 | dataXz = xbout[:Nbet] |
725 | dataYz = dataYzp[:Nbet] |
726 | dataEz = eBet0 |
727 | else: |
728 | dataXz = np.append(dataXz,xbout[:Nbet]) |
729 | dataYz = np.append(dataYz,dataYzp[:Nbet]) |
730 | dataEz = np.append(dataEz,eBet0) |
731 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=zpWS, DataX=dataXz, DataY=dataYz, DataE=dataEz, |
732 | Nspec=Nsig, UnitX='MomentumTransfer', VerticalAxisUnit='MomentumTransfer', VerticalAxisValues=dataXs) |
733 | unitx = mtd[zpWS].getAxis(0).setUnit("Label") |
734 | unitx.setLabel('beta' , '') |
735 | unity = mtd[zpWS].getAxis(1).setUnit("Label") |
736 | unity.setLabel('sigma' , '') |
737 | if m == 0: |
738 | xSig = dataXs |
739 | ySig = dataYs |
740 | eSig = eSig0 |
741 | xBet = dataXb |
742 | yBet = dataYb |
743 | eBet = eBet0 |
744 | groupZ = zpWS |
745 | else: |
746 | xSig = np.append(xSig,dataXs) |
747 | ySig = np.append(ySig,dataYs) |
748 | eSig = np.append(eSig,eSig0) |
749 | xBet = np.append(xBet,dataXb) |
750 | yBet = np.append(yBet,dataYb) |
751 | eBet = np.append(eBet,eBet0) |
752 | groupZ = groupZ +','+ zpWS |
753 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=fname+'_Sigma', DataX=xSig, DataY=ySig, DataE=eSig, |
754 | Nspec=nsam, UnitX='', VerticalAxisUnit='MomentumTransfer', VerticalAxisValues=Qaxis) |
755 | unitx = mtd[fname+'_Sigma'].getAxis(0).setUnit("Label") |
756 | unitx.setLabel('sigma' , '') |
757 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=fname+'_Beta', DataX=xBet, DataY=yBet, DataE=eBet, |
758 | Nspec=nsam, UnitX='', VerticalAxisUnit='MomentumTransfer', VerticalAxisValues=Qaxis) |
759 | unitx = mtd[fname+'_Beta'].getAxis(0).setUnit("Label") |
760 | unitx.setLabel('beta' , '') |
761 | group = fname + '_Sigma,'+ fname + '_Beta' |
762 | GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces=group,OutputWorkspace=fname+'_Fit') |
763 | GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces=groupZ,OutputWorkspace=fname+'_Contour') |
764 | |
765 | if Save: |
766 | fpath = os.path.join(workdir,fname+'_Fit.nxs') |
767 | SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=fname+'_Fit', Filename=fpath) |
768 | cpath = os.path.join(workdir,fname+'_Contour.nxs') |
769 | SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=fname+'_Contour', Filename=cpath) |
770 | if Verbose: |
771 | logger.notice('Output file for Fit : ' + fpath) |
772 | logger.notice('Output file for Contours : ' + cpath) |
773 | if (Plot != 'None'): |
774 | QuestPlot(fname,Plot) |
775 | EndTime('Quest') |
776 | |
777 | def QuestPlot(inputWS,Plot): |
778 | if (Plot == 'Sigma' or Plot == 'All'): |
779 | sig_plot=mp.importMatrixWorkspace(inputWS+'_Sigma').plotGraph2D() |
780 | if (Plot == 'Beta' or Plot == 'All'): |
781 | beta_plot=mp.importMatrixWorkspace(inputWS+'_Beta').plotGraph2D() |
782 | |
783 | # ResNorm programs |
784 | def ResNormRun(vname,rname,erange,nbin,Verbose=False,Plot='None',Save=False): |
785 | StartTime('ResNorm') |
786 | |
787 | workdir = getDefaultWorkingDirectory() |
788 | |
789 | array_len = 4096 # length of Fortran array |
790 | CheckXrange(erange,'Energy') |
791 | CheckAnalysers(vname,rname,Verbose) |
792 | nvan,ntc = CheckHistZero(vname) |
793 | theta,Q = GetThetaQ(vname) |
794 | efix = getEfixed(vname) |
795 | nres,ntr = CheckHistZero(rname) |
796 | nout,bnorm,Xdat,Xv,Yv,Ev = CalcErange(vname,0,erange,nbin) |
797 | Ndat = nout[0] |
798 | Imin = nout[1] |
799 | Imax = nout[2] |
800 | wrks=os.path.join(workdir, vname[:-4]) |
801 | if Verbose: |
802 | logger.notice(' Number of spectra = '+str(nvan)) |
803 | logger.notice(' lptfile : ' + wrks +'_resnrm.lpt') |
804 | lwrk=len(wrks) |
805 | wrks.ljust(140,' ') # pad for fioxed Fortran length |
806 | wrkr=rname |
807 | wrkr.ljust(140,' ') |
808 | Nb,Xb,Yb,Eb = GetXYE(rname,0,array_len) |
809 | rscl = 1.0 |
810 | xPar = np.array([theta[0]]) |
811 | for m in range(1,nvan): |
812 | xPar = np.append(xPar,theta[m]) |
813 | ePar = np.zeros(nvan) |
814 | fname = vname[:-4] |
815 | for m in range(0,nvan): |
816 | if Verbose: |
817 | logger.notice('Group ' +str(m)+ ' at angle '+ str(theta[m])) |
818 | ntc,Xv,Yv,Ev = GetXYE(vname,m,array_len) |
819 | nsp = m+1 |
820 | numb = [nvan, nsp, ntc, Ndat, nbin, Imin, Imax, Nb] |
821 | reals = [efix, theta[0], rscl, bnorm] |
822 | nd,xout,yout,eout,yfit,pfit=resnorm.resnorm(numb,Xv,Yv,Ev,reals, |
823 | Xdat,Xb,Yb,wrks,wrkr,lwrk) |
824 | if Verbose: |
825 | message = ' Fit paras : '+str(pfit[0])+' '+str(pfit[1]) |
826 | logger.notice(message) |
827 | dataX = xout[:nd] |
828 | dataX = np.append(dataX,2*xout[nd-1]-xout[nd-2]) |
829 | if m == 0: |
830 | yPar1 = np.array([pfit[0]]) |
831 | yPar2 = np.array([pfit[1]]) |
832 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='Data', DataX=dataX, DataY=yout[:nd], DataE=eout[:nd], |
833 | NSpec=1, UnitX='DeltaE') |
834 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='Fit', DataX=dataX, DataY=yfit[:nd], DataE=np.zeros(nd), |
835 | NSpec=1, UnitX='DeltaE') |
836 | else: |
837 | yPar1 = np.append(yPar1,pfit[0]) |
838 | yPar2 = np.append(yPar2,pfit[1]) |
839 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='__datmp', DataX=dataX, DataY=yout[:nd], DataE=eout[:nd], |
840 | NSpec=1, UnitX='DeltaE') |
841 | ConjoinWorkspaces(InputWorkspace1='Data', InputWorkspace2='__datmp', CheckOverlapping=False) |
842 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='__f1tmp', DataX=dataX, DataY=yfit[:nd], DataE=np.zeros(nd), |
843 | NSpec=1, UnitX='DeltaE') |
844 | ConjoinWorkspaces(InputWorkspace1='Fit', InputWorkspace2='__f1tmp', CheckOverlapping=False) |
845 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=fname+'_ResNorm_Intensity', DataX=xPar, DataY=yPar1, DataE=xPar, |
846 | NSpec=1, UnitX='MomentumTransfer') |
847 | CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=fname+'_ResNorm_Stretch', DataX=xPar, DataY=yPar2, DataE=xPar, |
848 | NSpec=1, UnitX='MomentumTransfer') |
849 | group = fname + '_ResNorm_Intensity,'+ fname + '_ResNorm_Stretch' |
850 | GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces=group,OutputWorkspace=fname+'_ResNorm') |
851 | GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces='Data,Fit',OutputWorkspace=fname+'_ResNorm_Fit') |
852 | if Save: |
853 | par_path = os.path.join(workdir,fname+'_ResNorm.nxs') |
854 | SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=fname+'_ResNorm', Filename=par_path) |
855 | fit_path = os.path.join(workdir,fname+'_ResNorm_Fit.nxs') |
856 | SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=fname+'_ResNorm_Fit', Filename=fit_path) |
857 | if Verbose: |
858 | logger.notice('Parameter file created : ' + par_path) |
859 | logger.notice('Fit file created : ' + fit_path) |
860 | if (Plot != 'None'): |
861 | ResNormPlot(fname,Plot) |
862 | EndTime('ResNorm') |
863 | |
864 | def ResNormPlot(inputWS,Plot): |
865 | if (Plot == 'Intensity' or Plot == 'All'): |
866 | iWS = inputWS + '_ResNorm_Intensity' |
867 | i_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(iWS,0,False) |
868 | if (Plot == 'Stretch' or Plot == 'All'): |
869 | sWS = inputWS + '_ResNorm_Stretch' |
870 | s_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(sWS,0,False) |
871 | if (Plot == 'Fit' or Plot == 'All'): |
872 | fWS = inputWS + '_ResNorm_Fit' |
873 | f_plot=mp.plotSpectrum(fWS,0,False) |