Ticket #4038 (closed: fixed)

Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

Speed up Nearest Neighbours

Reported by: Owen Arnold Owned by: Owen Arnold
Priority: critical Milestone: Release 2.0
Component: Mantid Keywords:
Cc: zikovskyjl@… Blocked By:
Blocking: Tester: Stuart Campbell


Nearest neighbours search is too slow. Profile and fix.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold

This affects a whole load of algorithms. Most notable when using Wish datasets.

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold

  • Status changed from new to accepted

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold

refs #4038. Fix warnings

Changeset: 7c3af5f19fea8620a0a0386d512a2dc2d5f8f918

comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold

refs #4038 added performance tests to nearest neighbours search methods

Changeset: 483f40c989485faa00176c1cb7b81acd06d270b5

comment:5 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold

refs #4038. Fix warnings

Changeset: 7c3af5f19fea8620a0a0386d512a2dc2d5f8f918

comment:6 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold

refs #4038 added performance tests to nearest neighbours search methods

Changeset: 483f40c989485faa00176c1cb7b81acd06d270b5

comment:7 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold

  • Status changed from accepted to verify
  • Resolution set to fixed

This is running a lot quicker now. Tester : ensure that none of the existing nearest neighbour lookup functionality has broken in the meantime. Look closely at unit tests.

comment:8 Changed 9 years ago by Stuart Campbell

  • Status changed from verify to verifying
  • Tester set to Stuart Campbell

comment:9 Changed 9 years ago by Stuart Campbell

To my (untrained) eye, everything looks ok.

comment:10 Changed 9 years ago by Stuart Campbell

  • Status changed from verifying to closed

comment:11 Changed 5 years ago by Stuart Campbell

This ticket has been transferred to github issue 4885

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