Ticket #4475 (closed: fixed)
Render 3D MDHistoWorkspaces
Reported by: | Owen Arnold | Owned by: | Owen Arnold |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | Release 2.0 |
Component: | VATES | Keywords: | |
Cc: | reuterma.ornl.gov | Blocked By: | |
Blocking: | Tester: | Michael Reuter |
Description ¶
Enable workspaces constructed via the PV source plugin to be generated as vtkdatasets if they have dimensionality of 3 or 4.
Currently the SimpleVatesGUI (embedded in MantidPlot) will throw an exception for no successor factory if you try to do this for 3D MDHistoWorkspaces.
To reproduce this issue run testcase.py (attached) and right-click and select 'Show Vates Simple Interface', causes exception then crash.
Alternately, run Diffraction_Workspace.py (in Mantid/scripts/vates) and then select 'Show Vates Simple Interface' on the workspace named 'hkl'.
This could easily be extended to cover 2D and 1D workspaces by using and chaining in vtkThresholdingQuadFactory and vtkThresholdingLineFactory.
Change History
comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold
- Status changed from new to accepted
- Owner set to Owen Arnold
- Component changed from Mantid to VATES
- Milestone changed from Iteration 33 to Iteration 32
comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold
Fix wrongly committed against #4475
Changeset: c9a8c4f16cf86dca4daf9ad42a3310fe18a0fe4f
comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Owen Arnold
- Status changed from accepted to verify
- Resolution set to fixed
comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by Michael Reuter
- Status changed from verify to verifying
- Tester set to Michael Reuter