Ticket #6813 (closed: fixed)
Add handling of Pause markers to LoadEventNexus
Reported by: | Russell Taylor | Owned by: | Russell Taylor |
Priority: | minor | Milestone: | Release 3.2 |
Component: | Framework | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Blocked By: | ||
Blocking: | Tester: | Martyn Gigg |
Description (last modified by Russell Taylor) (diff) ¶
Nexus files generated by ADARA-enabled beamlines at the SNS have a log called 'Pause'. It has a value of 0 if the run is not paused (most runs have just a single zero entry) and goes to 1 at the start of a pause. So we can call FilterByLogValue during LoadEventNexus to filter out events during pauses.
And don't ask why these events aren't held back by the DAS. I don't know!
Change History
comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by Nick Draper
- Milestone changed from Release 2.6 to Backlog
Moved to backlog at the code freeze for R2.6
comment:10 Changed 7 years ago by Nick Draper
- Status changed from new to assigned
Bulk move of tickets out of triage (new) to assigned at the introduction of the triage state
comment:11 Changed 6 years ago by Russell Taylor
- Status changed from assigned to inprogress
Re #6813. Update reference result.
Now that events that came in while the run was paused are filtered out.
Changeset: 9f6f09a90f180e8b03b934e88fe07f8e98373985
comment:12 Changed 6 years ago by Russell Taylor
Gave the wrong ticket number for the commit that does the actual work on this:
Re #9544. Filter events while the run was paused.
You might think that the DAS would not save events from when a run was paused but no, that would be much to easy (for us). Therefore filter them out if an ADARA-style pause log is present (i.e. this is SNS only). There is a configuration property that can be set to load them as before.
Changeset: 89a348503552ce71d30fbe51e3898c4c52750b4b
comment:14 Changed 6 years ago by Russell Taylor
- Status changed from inprogress to verify
- Resolution set to fixed
To test:
Note that there are branches (called feature/6813_take_notice_of_pause) in both the main and the systemtests repos'''
- Find the file HYSA_2934.nxs.h5 in the system tests repo.
- Load it before building these changes and note the number of events in the main and the monitor workspaces.
- Build the changes and repeat. The numbers of events will be smaller in both workspaces and you will see a log message telling you that the filtering happened.
- Try setting the property that the log message mentions in Mantid.user.properties and observing that the original numbers of events are recovered.
- Load some other event nexus file and note that there's no log message.
For the code review part, note that automated testing for this is accomplished in the StepScan system test. There is no file containing pauses in the AutoTestData directory and I didn't want to add one.
comment:15 Changed 6 years ago by Martyn Gigg
- Status changed from verify to verifying
- Tester set to Martyn Gigg
comment:16 Changed 6 years ago by Martyn Gigg
- Status changed from verifying to closed
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/6813_take_notice_of_pause'
Full changeset: e758aabb6a47680257119a4da167b770822d9b76
comment:17 Changed 6 years ago by Martyn Gigg
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/6813_take_notice_of_pause'
Full changeset: 06528b9d3b62069c0c23e55b7453bdcea66c1ea6
comment:18 Changed 5 years ago by Stuart Campbell
This ticket has been transferred to github issue 7659
Moved to r2.6 at the end of r2.5