Ticket #7578 (closed: fixed)
Pressing button in SliceViewer crashes MantidPlot
Reported by: | Arturs Bekasovs | Owned by: | Owen Arnold |
Priority: | blocker | Milestone: | Release 2.6 |
Component: | GUI | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Blocked By: | ||
Blocking: | Tester: | Samuel Jackson |
Description ¶
When I am in MantidPlot, I load a workspace (I have tried quite a few, so probably it should work for any). Then I open a SliceViewer and click the icon button which says "Reset the color scale to the range of the currently visible slice" (one which is third from left in a row of icon buttons). As I understand it, it should adjust the color scale somehow, but in reality it crashes the whole MantidPlot.
Observed in the current release candidate (2.5.1960) in Ubuntu 12.04 64bit.
Change History
comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by Owen Arnold
Refs #7578. Attempt to access a deleted object via a dangling pointer.
Dangling pointer in MatrixWorkspaceMDIterator::next(). Do not delete the function until getRange(), which calls next(), has executed.
Changeset: 2630025d4cf9e075fa7757f086cbbed4d7489095
comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by Owen Arnold
- Status changed from inprogress to verify
- Resolution set to fixed
Tester. It shouldn't crash like it used to.
- Load a MatrixWorkspace
- Open SliceViewer
- Click button to rescale to range. Should rescale to range rather than crash mantidplot now.
comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson
- Status changed from verify to verifying
- Tester set to Samuel Jackson
comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson
- Status changed from verifying to closed
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/7578_sliceviewer_crash'
I can reproduce this on my mac.