Ticket #7735 (closed: fixed)

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

Label units not being saved and loaded correctly.

Reported by: Samuel Jackson Owned by: Samuel Jackson
Priority: major Milestone: Release 3.0
Component: Framework Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: #7711 Tester: Russell Taylor


Saving a workspace that has had its units set to 'Label' does not save the caption and the title.


irs55125_graphite002_red.nxs (234.6 KB) - added by Samuel Jackson 7 years ago.
irs55126_graphite002_red.nxs (228.6 KB) - added by Samuel Jackson 7 years ago.
irs55127_graphite002_red.nxs (184.6 KB) - added by Samuel Jackson 7 years ago.
irs55128_graphite002_red.nxs (184.6 KB) - added by Samuel Jackson 7 years ago.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

  • Owner set to Samuel Jackson
  • Milestone changed from Backlog to Release 3.0

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

  • Status changed from new to inprogress

Label units now save and load from file.

Refs #7735

Changeset: 5569364a8c847b08e7a9e82b411fabfbc81539c7

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

Updated unit test for Elwin axis label.

Refs #7735

Changeset: c0ff579cd65057c8afd38ce6704517657530ec62

Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

comment:4 Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

  • Status changed from inprogress to verify
  • Resolution set to fixed

To Test

Use the supplied files and run them through Elwin. Insructions for this can be found here. Plot the generated file *_elf file and check that the x axis is in "Temperature/K". Save the *_elf file and reopen it in a fresh Mantid session. Plot it again and check that the units on the x axis are still the same.

It would also be worth checking that generating and saving/loading another nexus file through some other process (e.g. the C2E interface) does not affect the units of the plot.

The Elwin system test has been updated as part of this fix so run this as part of testing (ISISIndirectInelastic.py). Also be sure to merge both the branch and the system tests into master.

comment:5 Changed 7 years ago by Russell Taylor

  • Status changed from verify to verifying
  • Tester set to Russell Taylor

comment:6 Changed 7 years ago by Samuel Jackson

  • Blocking 7711 added

comment:7 Changed 7 years ago by Russell Taylor

  • Status changed from verifying to closed

comment:8 Changed 5 years ago by Stuart Campbell

This ticket has been transferred to github issue 8580

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