Ticket #6455: testDetGroup.py

File testDetGroup.py, 785 bytes (added by Karl Palmen, 8 years ago)
1# Test Detector Group
3# Any MAPS file other than a calibration run can be used here.
4# If copied across, the accompanying files may also need to be copied across to ensure grouping.
5path = r"C:/Temp/" # Path name of folder containing input and output files
6filename = 'MAPS17275.raw' # Name of calibration run
8# Get calibration raw file and integrate it   
9WS = Load(path+filename)  #'raw' in 'rawCalibInstWS' means unintegrated.
11group = WS.getDetector(2)
12IDs = group.getDetectorIDs()
13names = group.getName()
14fullNames = group.getFullName()
15sep = group.getNameSeparator()
16print "Detector IDs",IDs
17print "Detector names",names
18print "Detector full names",fullNames
19print "The separator",sep,"should occur after each name in the detector names and full names."