Ticket #5704 (closed: fixed)

Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

Red fIt Warning when fitting in MantidPlot window

Reported by: Vickie Lynch Owned by: Russell Taylor
Priority: major Milestone: Release 2.2
Component: Mantid Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Tester: Vickie Lynch


Fit-[Notice] Fit started Fit-[Information] Algorithm: Fit v1 Fit-[Information] Parameters: Fit-[Information] Name: Function, Value: name=Gaussian,Height=10,PeakCentre=1.39396,Sigma=0.0146133, Default?: No, Direction: InOut Fit-[Information] Name: InputWorkspace, Value: , Default?: Yes, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: DomainType, Value: Simple, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: Ties, Value: , Default?: Yes, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: Constraints, Value: , Default?: Yes, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: MaxIterations, Value: 500, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: OutputStatus, Value: , Default?: Yes, Direction: Output Fit-[Information] Name: OutputChi2overDoF, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Output Fit-[Information] Name: Minimizer, Value: Levenberg-Marquardt, Default?: Yes, Direction: InOut Fit-[Information] Name: CostFunction, Value: Least squares, Default?: Yes, Direction: InOut Fit-[Information] Name: CreateOutput, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: Output, Value: PG3_4844, Default?: No, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: CalcErrors, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: WorkspaceIndex, Value: 0, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: StartX, Value: 1.3587806149035957, Default?: No, Direction: Input Fit-[Information] Name: EndX, Value: 1.4291297550807713, Default?: No, Direction: Input Fit-[Notice] Fit successful, Duration 0.00 seconds Graph-[Warning] You are overlaying plots from data having differing units! Graph-[Warning] You are overlaying plots from data having differing units!

X axis and Y axis units are same in Input and Output Workspaces

Change History

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by Russell Taylor

  • Owner set to Russell Taylor
  • Status changed from new to accepted

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by Russell Taylor

Re #5704. Units should be matched by name, not by pointer.

A given unit type used to always be the same object, but that's no longer the case.

Changeset: 03a5a4cbc917cd932ea37034d3623f42c7261ca9

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by Russell Taylor

  • Status changed from accepted to verify
  • Resolution set to fixed

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by Vickie Lynch

  • Status changed from verify to verifying
  • Tester set to Vickie Lynch

comment:5 Changed 8 years ago by Vickie Lynch

  • Status changed from verifying to closed

No warning now. Thanks Russell!

comment:6 Changed 8 years ago by Russell Taylor

Re #5704. Units should be matched by name, not by pointer.

A given unit type used to always be the same object, but that's no longer the case.

Changeset: 03a5a4cbc917cd932ea37034d3623f42c7261ca9

comment:7 Changed 8 years ago by Russell Taylor

Re #5704. Units should be matched by name, not by pointer.

A given unit type used to always be the same object, but that's no longer the case.

Changeset: 03a5a4cbc917cd932ea37034d3623f42c7261ca9

comment:8 Changed 5 years ago by Stuart Campbell

This ticket has been transferred to github issue 6550

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