Ticket #6704 (closed: fixed)

Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

Get System test Peak2ConvCell_Test to "pass"

Reported by: Ruth Mikkelson Owned by: Ruth Mikkelson
Priority: minor Milestone: Release 2.5
Component: Mantid Keywords: SCD
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Tester: Gesner Passos


This test was designed to test several algorithms. A lot of tests did not work, though they did work when originally done in Java. I did find the problem for almost all of the failures. One heuristic had been changed and another one dependent on that heuristic was not changed. I will revert original change of heuristic. Hopefully the system test should then pass. Otherwise I will attempt, again, to try to get the test to not run. This test takes a long time to run, if all the tests were successful.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

Refs #6704 Reverted heuristic to preMantid value

Changeset: 1b12902b5c2890dcf6e7af4c90a494d4018a2b92

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

  • Status changed from new to accepted

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

Refs #6704 Reverted heuristic to preMantid value

Changeset: 1b12902b5c2890dcf6e7af4c90a494d4018a2b92

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

  • Status changed from accepted to verify
  • Resolution set to fixed


This change may? make a system test work. You may need to merge this into master before the change will be applied to the system tests.

This test should have been disabled, but it does run and give errors on the following:

is_test_rhel6_develop is_test_win7_develop 2 is_test_ubuntu-12.04_develop is_test_osx-10.6_develop

comment:5 Changed 8 years ago by Vickie Lynch

  • Status changed from verify to verifying
  • Tester set to Vickie Lynch

comment:6 Changed 8 years ago by Vickie Lynch

  • Status changed from verifying to reopened
  • Resolution fixed deleted

Sorry, but this system test still does not work on my rhel6 machine

FindUBUsingFFT-[Notice] FindUBUsingFFT started
FindUBUsingFFT-[Information] Algorithm: FindUBUsingFFT v1
FindUBUsingFFT-[Information] Parameters:
FindUBUsingFFT-[Information]   Name: PeaksWorkspace, Value: Peaks, Default?: No, Direction: InOut
FindUBUsingFFT-[Information]   Name: MinD, Value: 0.98488578017961037, Default?: No, Direction: Input
FindUBUsingFFT-[Information]   Name: MaxD, Value: 3.9395431207184419, Default?: No, Direction: Input
FindUBUsingFFT-[Information]   Name: Tolerance, Value: 0.14999999999999999, Default?: Yes, Direction: Input
FindUBUsingFFT-[Error] Error in execution of algorithm FindUBUsingFFT:
FindUBUsingFFT-[Error] Find_UB(): Could not find any a,b,c vectors to index Qs
[2.0, 2.3999999999999999, 2.3999999999999999, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]
[1.9999315903378103, 2.3999747299747396, 2.4000373086137361, 90.000588496417691, 90.007877792613897, 90.001397692896973]
['Formnum,Lat1,Lat0', 11, [1.9999315903378105, 2.3999747299747396, 2.4000373086137361, 90.000588496417691, 90.007877792613897, 90.001397692896973], [2.0, 2.3999999999999999, 2.3999999999999999, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]]
[[2, 2.3999999999999999, 2.3999999999999999], 0.050000000000000003, 'O', 'I', 20, 0, 1]
['UBnig', matrix([[ -7.37257477e-18,  -5.00000000e-01,  -5.00000000e-01],
        [  4.16666667e-01,   4.16666667e-01,   0.00000000e+00],
        [  4.16666667e-01,   0.00000000e+00,   4.16666667e-01]]), [1.9697715603592207, 1.969771560359221, 1.969771560359221, 118.98208226759439, 104.9355270538135, 104.9355270538135]]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/vel/SysTests/StressTestFramework/stresstesting.py", line 193, in execute
  File "/home/vel/SysTests/SystemTests/AnalysisTests/Peak2ConvCell_Test.py", line 1172, in runTest
  File "/home/vel/mantid/Code/release/bin/mantid/simpleapi.py", line 491, in algorithm_wrapper
ValueError: Find_UB(): Could not find any a,b,c vectors to index Qs


comment:7 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

Refs #6704 Reverted heuristic to preMantid value

Changeset: 1b12902b5c2890dcf6e7af4c90a494d4018a2b92

comment:8 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

Refs #6704 Reverted heuristic to preMantid value

Changeset: 1b12902b5c2890dcf6e7af4c90a494d4018a2b92

comment:9 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

Refs #6704 Reverted heuristic to preMantid value

Changeset: 1b12902b5c2890dcf6e7af4c90a494d4018a2b92

comment:10 Changed 8 years ago by Vickie Lynch

I have passed this ticket with the git workflow, but need Ruth accept and mark as fixed so I can close. Information from Ruth: Ticket #6704 was to essentially get the Peak2ConvCell_Test to not report("pass")errors. One system actually ran this test even though the required files were absent. Someone fixed that so it now "runs", so it did "pass".

There is still another ticket, #6277, which was to fix the problem. I was only hoping to get this passing with the error =0 cases. I see you got into the error =.05 cases, so this may mean that all the error=0 cases that were not eliminated ran. To run only the error =0 cases, change line 859 to " error=[ 0.0]". Also there was only one error=0 case that failed. it was

if side1==0 and side2==1 and Error==0 and Xtal=='M' and Center=='I' and i1==0 and i2a==1 and ang==140 :


I believe the sides will be 2,2, and 2.4 in that order.

comment:11 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

  • Status changed from reopened to accepted

comment:12 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

  • Status changed from accepted to verify
  • Resolution set to fixed

comment:13 Changed 8 years ago by Gesner Passos

  • Status changed from verify to verifying
  • Tester changed from Vickie Lynch to Gesner Passos

comment:14 Changed 8 years ago by Gesner Passos

  • Status changed from verifying to verify
  • Tester Gesner Passos deleted

comment:15 Changed 8 years ago by Gesner Passos

  • Status changed from verify to verifying
  • Tester set to Gesner Passos

comment:16 Changed 8 years ago by Gesner Passos

  • Status changed from verifying to closed

Now I understood what was to test here. It is just to test that the system test 'pass' even if if pass because it skips these tests. The 'commits' here are already at the master. So, this ticked is ok.

comment:17 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

Refs #6704 Reverted heuristic to preMantid value

Changeset: 1b12902b5c2890dcf6e7af4c90a494d4018a2b92

comment:18 Changed 8 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

Refs #6704 Reverted heuristic to preMantid value

Changeset: 1b12902b5c2890dcf6e7af4c90a494d4018a2b92

comment:19 Changed 7 years ago by Ruth Mikkelson

Refs #6704 Reverted heuristic to preMantid value

Changeset: 1b12902b5c2890dcf6e7af4c90a494d4018a2b92

comment:20 Changed 5 years ago by Stuart Campbell

This ticket has been transferred to github issue 7550

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